Saturday, May 3, 2008

Still Here

Thanks for the encouraging words all!! I've not posted here as frequently as I have planned, but just know that we are still here and waiting. We have really appreciated the kind words, encouragements and the sharing of experiences by people who have been through this whole process.

We are doing well with the waiting (so far). I am hopeful that we will hear something soon, but who knows!? I do know that we will have A LOT to do once we learn about our child!! We just have one empty room waiting for a crib, bed, who knows! And we can't exactly buy clothes, toys, etc. until we know the age/sex, etc. I will say that books are something that we can always collect, and I'm hopeful that we will create a good little library.

Things have been extremely busy at work for me. There are great opportunities for me and my role in my firm advances all the time. I am really excited about my professional path and there is not a whole lot that I could imaging changing about my situation. I will say that there will be much to do in terms of figuring out a balance when our family grows. I will be taking 12 weeks leave from work to travel to Poland and to continue coming home and settling in.

Our goal will be to work 100% on bonding and establishing routines. Ryan and I are not good at routines for ourselves, so it will be a learning process to establish rules and such. Now that I think about it, I am almost entirely opposed to having any sort of routine for myself. If you asked me what time I go to work, I would tell you that it is anywhere between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. depending upon the day. Then I leave work anywhere from 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., again depending upon the day. And if you asked me when I went to bed, I would say it is anywhere between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. depending upon my work or TV involvement. The only type of routine that I have is the fact that I watch "The Office" every Thursday night. And half the time I miss it and end up watching it on the web over the weekend anyway. (p.s. don't tell me what happened this week, I've not seen it yet!).

Well, our lives are going to change in so many ways, establishing a routine will only be part of it. We're open to it and know that it is important to settling in to our new way of life!!

I hope everyone is enjoying spring. Our tulips are blooming and the trees are all flowering, it is great!